Gaining followers on your social media channels is essential for reaching your target audience. It’s not enough to have a few followers and be happy; a successful social media profile grows in popularity over time. Having a consistent growth rate shows that you’re still producing relevant, engaging content and have clout in the industry.
- It will help you attract clients
People say, followers are just numbers. But if you have a business online, then you probably want to build a huge following. You will be able to attract more people to your account if you have more followers.It will not only increase your popularity but will also enable you to attract more clients which will result in an increase in sales. So the more you grow your followers, the more you do not have to think about selling because your followers will serve as your lead magnet.
- Builds Know, Like, and Trust
People just simply don’t want to work with strangers, right? Having a huge following will help your audience view you as an authority in your niche.
If they know, like, and trust you, then there is no doubt that they will buy from you. After all, it’s not just about selling. But also building relationships.
- 8th wonder = Compounding
Think of it this way, if people see the value in what you do, it will actually compound. The more followers you have, the more followers you get. Because people will naturally come to you. And for us entrepreneurs, the more people we have in our network also means more referrals, more clients, and more money which will allow us to accumulate more in the future because we already have the means to do so.