Do you have what it takes to be a content creator?

Do you have what it takes to be a content creator?

Have you ever had this dream of becoming the next Instagram or YouTube sensation?

What if I tell you that being a content creator is more than just posting a beautiful photo of you on the beach, your outfit of the day (OOTD), or having a huge number of followers?

Well, I don’t have anything against having a huge number of followers. But my point is, you don’t need it to get started as a content creator.

Yes, you read that right. For me, being a content creator is not an overnight success. Not to mention how competitive this industry is.

But it’s not all doom and gloom, so don’t hang up your content boots yet! Whether you’re just getting started or a pro, I’ve got some tips on how to become a content creator.

But wait! Let me ask you this question first. “What type of content creator are you?”

Apparently, you have 3 options for delivering your content.

– Text
– Video &
– Audio

If you wanna tell a story through text, blogging is the way to go. All you need is your story and some pictures and you’re all set up.

And If you like talking to people, like me, then podcasting is for you. You must be a little more tech-savvy than writing your blog post, but it’s a rewarding format that can help you build a niche audience.

And the last option is video, which in my experience is the most engaging and immersive storytelling experience out there.

Pro tip: Choose one depending on your strengths and weaknesses.

Soooo, shall we dive into the top tips?

  1.  Don’t quit your day job

    Please, please, please. Consider this before starting. Your day job might not be as fun as you want it to be, but it still pays the bills. Keep your job and work on your side project until you make enough to survive on it.

    I have been an editor and strategist to so many start up channels and have worked with one of the nicest people on the planet, but the thing is, sad to say some of them I no longer work with because they thought they could run their start up channel if they did it full time.

    Establish your brand first before going full time. There’s a time and a place for throwing in the towel, but that time might not be now, and that place might not be your current office. While there are soooo many good reasons for quitting your job, there are also a number of reasons to consider hanging in there just like the following:

    You don’t have a plan – I suggest that you leave work with a plan about what you will do, where you will go next, and how you will provide for your income until you get a new job or your self-employment takes wing. How are you going to pay your bills? And how will you figure out a way to earn an income without having a full-time job?

    You don’t have any savings – if you don’t have enough money saved up to hold you over until you get a new job, you should definitely think twice before quitting. Put even a little amount of money in the bank before giving them your two weeks’ notice.

  2. Keep up with the trends

    I think most content creators will agree with this. No matter what industry you’re in, the only way to develop great ( if not viral ) content is through listening.

    Wanna be a thought leader? Then keep an ear to the ground. Know what’s trending and start creating a content list out of it.

    Also, the practice of keeping up to date with trends and changes in your industry is a necessity in our modern working world. It’s an important ingredient to stay competitive and be successful. Most especially if you are planning to be a content creator. It’s either you keep up with the trend or you create the trend.

  3. Simplify the heck out of things

    This is what I have noticed with successful content creators, they know how to simplify complicated stuff.

    If you can simplify something that seems complicated to others, then that’s good for you because you’ll always be able to easily communicate your brand to your audience. I think this is where most people struggle. Content creation is meant to make complicated concepts easy to understand. And a creative and an effective content creator knows exactly how to do that.

  4. You don’t need to buy the best of the best equipment

    Content creation does not require huge expenses. Would you believe me when I tell you that a lot of content creators started out with just their smartphone?

    Make the most out of what you have right now. You can just buy a $20 tripod on amazon and use whatever smartphone you have. What’s important is that you start.

    Focus on delivering value to your audience and don’t pressure yourself too much to buy expensive equipment when you’re just starting out. Be patient, you’ll get there.

  5. Gain industry experience

    Why don’t you start by gaining experience as a content creator around an industry or niche you’re interested in. For example, you can write blogs about your travels, post photos about fashion or create videos about car repair tips.

    Get feedback on your content so you can continue to grow and refine your skills. You can also gain industry experience through internships and part-time or temporary jobs in content creator positions. These opportunities will help you learn from seasoned professionals.

  6. Build a portfolio

    Did you know that your portfolio could be one of your greatest assets as a content creator?
    Your portfolio is where you can showcase your authority in your chosen niche.

    It is completely okay to start from completely scratch, but in my professional experience, it would be best if you already had some experience in your niche before posting your first piece of content. For example, if you are someone who enjoys talking with your friends about your work as an architect, surely random strangers on the internet would be interested to hear about your stories as well. It is always a great idea to turn your passions in life (and your achievements in your niche) into authentic content for others to enjoy.

    So there you go. I hope these tips will be helpful to you as you kick start your journey as a content creator.

    See you in the next post!

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