5 Things You Need To Know Before Starting a YouTube Channel

5 Things You Need To Know Before Starting a YouTube Channel

When you start a YouTube channel, there are a lot of things that happens. I’ve compiled a list of five things you should know before starting a YouTube channel.

  1. Understand Your Niche

    It is critical to understand your niche in order to deliver content that is truly beneficial to your audience. You must narrow it down because you do not wish to create content for everybody. YouTube will compensate you for this and acknowledge you as an authority in your field.

  2. Create a Content Bank

    If you’re about to launch your YouTube channel, I understand your enthusiasm. But if you only have one video planned for it, you’re off to a bad start. What you need to do is create a content bank. When you go live, you must have at least four videos reserved for your YouTube channel. As a start, you can at least upload at least one per week to build consistency.

  3. Make an intro or an outro.

    It improves professionalism and establishes authority. This also helps your audience remember your brand. When they hear your intro or outro, they will associate you with it.

  4. Sort out your set up

    Make certain that you use the appropriate tools and equipment when creating your video content. You can literally start with just your smartphone, but make sure it captures your message and content clearly, even if not as defined as a professional camera. Also, make an early investment in a good tripod, as it will useful throughout your entire YouTube journey.

  5. Customize your thumbnails

    When you scroll down to a specific YouTube channel, the first thing you’ll see is a thumbnail. A Thumbnail photo is the starting point for any video. A thumbnail photo is the first gate that makes or breaks the conversion of a random stranger on the internet, into a viewer. No matter how good your content or editing is, if you don’t have an attractive thumbnail, your video might not even be watched at all. I highly recommend you create a reuseable brand design for your channel’s thumbnails, as it not only saves time every time you post content, but it also helps your viewers associate the design to your overall brand.

    There you have it. With these tips, I think you’re all set up in creating your own YouTube channel. If you follow these simple yet increasingly important tips you ́ll see how growth will become inevitable for your own channel.

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