6 Mistakes that are hurting your video brand & How to Avoid Them.

6 Mistakes that are hurting your video brand & How to Avoid Them.

Creating and editing the perfect video, then publishing it, are not that all exactly. I understand the frustration of after doing a lot of work, it’s still not enough. There seems to be more you can do to make sure it hits the mark when you finally put it in the sea of videos in the digital realm.

Here are some of the most common video marketing mistakes, as well as a few pointers on how to avoid them.

  1. Not making a Plan

    If you just make videos for the sake of making videos, nothing will come off it.
    Before you begin, ask these questions:

    Who is your video intended for?
    What’s the point of making it?
    What do you want viewers to do after they watch your video?
    What are your plans after this video?

    After that, you’ll be on your way to a fantastic plan.

  2. Not Branding Your Video Right

    Even if your uploaded video was a resounding hit, with a lot of comments, high engagement, and a lot of reach, people won’t remember who created it… Why? Because you did not adequately brand it. So at the very least, include your logo, name, and website or page at the beginning or end of your video.

  3. Selling Too Much

    People watch videos either to gain knowledge or be entertained. As such, if your video doesn’t do any of these things but instead tries to sell a lot and always does promotions, people will most likely skip your video, no matter how well you believe it was created. So, how do you position your product or service as the solution? Simple. Concentrate on providing value.

  4. No CTAs

    Calls to Action must be included because they will inform your audience of what they need to do. It is usually at the end of the video. CTAs can be any type or form you want as long as they are clear. “Subscribe” or “Visit our website” will usually suffice.

  5. Under-promoting Your Video

    You don’t have to limit yourself to YouTube! You can diversify by being present on any social media platform you can think of. Because the more platforms you’re on, the more likely it is that you’ll get more exposure. You can maximize this tip by going through a content repurposing plan with your team.

  6. Too much expectation
    Just because you saw a video go viral overnight does not mean it will happen to you. Keep in mind that video marketing is a long-term undertaking. Creating an effective strategy takes time, energy, and a lot of work. Instead of expecting too much and being disappointed, concentrate on consistency. Continue to work hard and don’t give up.

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