30 Unique Content Ideas to grow your social media today!

30 Unique Content Ideas to grow your social media today!

Whenever I talk to other content creators, most of them say that creating content is difficult.

Well, I totally get that..

Creating content can be a daunting task. But for us content creators, we really have to be keen when it comes to coming up with fresh content ideas.

And it’s also good to have some sort of inspiration to maximize your efforts in creating your content.

But at some point, everybody gets a creative block especially when it comes to social media content. Content is part of your strategy, whether you are a content creator, a marketer, or an entrepreneur.

So could you imagine how it will actually affect your content strategy if you keep struggling to come up with fresh social media content ideas?

That’s why in this blog, I have put together a mega list of social media content ideas to help your level up your strategy.

  1. Main Content – Aside from creating your main content, here are some other video content types that are also important in building a brand.

    • Vlog
    • How-to tutorial
    • Webinar
    • Live streaming
    • Product reviews
    • Q & As
    • Social Media Shorts and
    • User-generated content

    Creating video contents is a must especially if you want to increase customer loyalty, improve retention, and even upsell your current customers.

  2. Go live (informal) / livestream – Social media is about being social. You have to be proactive. And one of the best contents that you can create are livestreams. It shows authenticity and allows you to build instant rapport with your audience.

  3. Share about your company – This is your chance to feature your brand or your employees. You can feature one of your employees or some of your company’s milestones. You don’t have to hide behind your logo, instead, make your audience feel excited about your company by sharing about your work environment, company values, and the people you work with everyday.

  4. Be Vulnerable – We should always be honest and transparent with our audience when it comes to telling them about our opinion on a certain topic. However, I suggest that you also be cautious about putting private and sensitive stuff on social media.

  5. Current events and trending topics – Why is it relevant? Well, for me, it only shows that you keep yourself updated with current events and issues including trending topics that revolve around your industry. It’s always better to have a good grasp of what is happening around as and what might interest your target audience.

  6. Share info about your industry – Yes, you are familiar with your industry, but others are not. I’ve encountered audiences who have no idea what I do but are intrigued by it. They would appreciate it if you share information about your industry, especially when you make it interesting and useful to them.

  7. Behind the scenes – Did you know that sharing behind-the-scenes content is an amazing way to build your brand via social media?

    When you’re sharing behind-the-scenes, you’re actually giving people an inside look into who you are and what your brand represents. And it builds a connection with your target audience that you need if you want your brand to succeed in the long run.

  8. Ask a question – In my experience, questions are one of the best calls-to-action. It doesn’t just increase engagement but also helps you understand your audience more.

  9. Sharing your journey / origin story – When was the last time that you shared your journey on social media?

    Sharing your journey is very powerful, unique, and very personal.

  10. Before and Now progress / throwback – People enjoy seeing previous and present progress, whether you are simply sharing a photo or a video clip. People enjoy hearing stories about these transformations. Throwbacks help demonstrate how far you’ve come on various journeys and how much you’ve grown over time.

  11. Paid Ads / Offers – Do you have an offer that you want to share? This is your chance to do it.

    Are you going to host a webinar? Or are you going to release an ebook? Are you selling a product or service? Tell your audience about it! Don’t hesitate to do it because one of them might be your first ever customer.

  12. Crowdsourcing for a solution from your audience – Accept it. Some problems appear to have no solutions for us, but they don’t for others. Crowdsourcing is a method of problem solving. Always take advantage of the opportunity to poll your audience because it allows you to produce the best results possible from a pool of talents.

  13. Reviews on Viral videos in your industry – Videos have dominated almost all industries and are used so well by some people that they go viral. You can write some reviews about how you think these videos took a big step forward. You might want to talk about what elements are in the video and how they differ from one another.

  14. Giveaways + Value – Giving away freebies is an effective way to market your company. Who doesn’t want free stuff, after all? Giveaways expose your products or services to your
    customers and help raise brand awareness. More than just giveaways, you should provide value in everything you do. Share inspiring services and products, and you’ll notice that people are willing to buy from you.

  15. Tips – Knowledge is powerful, but sharing it with others amplifies its impact. Caring is demonstrated by sharing! You can alleviate someone’s pain points by sharing tips and tricks. People are eager to learn even the most minute details about a subject. The more you make others’ lives easier by providing tips, the more they will be drawn to you.

  16. Answer a question-video – Allowing time to answer questions helps you to connect with your audience. Your audience will feel seen and valued if you address their concerns.

  17. Sneak peak or teaser on an upcoming product / service / event / current projects – You want your product to not only launch, but also blast off into space of possibilities and
    excitement! You can provide a sneak peek or teaser of your upcoming product or service if you want your audience to be as excited as you are. Show your audience the raw deal,
    which demonstrates what’s going on in your business and gives people a glimpse into your process and progress.

  18. Interviews (in person or in zoom) with someone in your industry – You might want to consider interviewing someone who shares your passion but does not limit him/her from sharing some insightful thoughts. This allows your audience, as well as you, to learn from that person.

  19. “share a win” – Big or small, let your audience know. They are part of your community now, so why not celebrate with them?

  20. 5 Facts About Me – Have you introduced yourself to your followers? It’s good to have your bio section on social media filled in with descriptions about you, but maybe it’s about time that you also tell them some facts about you. Especially fun facts!

  21. Timelapse of your main content routine – Timelapse video is one of the most effective marketing tools available. It’s simple to make, and it doesn’t cost much to produce. A timelapse video can be used to share your main content routine in a burst duration. As a result, your audience will be able to see it relatively quickly.

  22. Day in the Life – What’s your day look like? People are addicted to reality stories about what happens on a typical day. You can share a Day in the Life Video in which you show
    what you do in a single day of your life. This includes what you do in the morning and how your day progresses until you go to bed. This gives your audience a better understanding of you and helps them connect with you even more.

  23. Compare tools / softwares you use for your industry – Tools and apps are built-in software that make our lives easier. It is ideal to share insights about which tools are worthwhile to use and which are not. You can share your thoughts on some of it and offer suggestions to others who are still considering using it.

  24. Discuss an industry update – Change is unavoidable, and updates are always present whenever we discuss a particular industry. Some of us appear to be falling behind in terms
    of updates and how quickly things change. You could think about discussing industry updates with your audience and address the highlights of it. You never know how many people will be enlightened as a result of you sharing it. I mean, you can lend a helping hand to others who are in need.

  25. Re-introduce yourself – Remember that you’re connecting with everyone on social media. As your audience grows, you may want to consider reintroducing yourself. It’s your
    method of bringing yourself to the people you’ve just met. You make your viewers feel at ease by telling them something about yourself… what you do and some information that will help you build a meaningful discussion and a lasting connection.

  26. Recreate an older successful video / part 2 – Yeah! Your content skyrocketed and became a smashing success! However, taking the time to think of something like that can be
    exhausting, and to be honest, some days are not ideal for working with new content from scratch. When you reach this point, you can repurpose an older successful piece of content or video. This allows you to reach audiences who did not see a piece of content during the initial round of promotion.

  27. Answer your FAQs – You can respond to frequently asked questions because, of course, clients and customers will have questions about your products, services, or company. You are quite often asked the same questions, and it is critical that you respond to them in order for your audience to have the best experience possible.

  28. Customer’s Success Story / Testimonial video – This is worth sharing because you love it when your clients/customers thrive and achieve their goals because, in some ways, this is also your success. You know that by the end of the day, you were able to do a good job.

  29. Story where you failed – If you want to help others, tell them about your failures. Yes. It is not always a happy ending to a story. You can learn from other people’s mistakes, and others can learn from yours. Your background shapes who you are, but it does not define you. Each failure is a learning opportunity.

  30. Story where you accomplished something – Success breeds more success! With so many negative things going on around us, sharing your success and accomplishments is a great way to brighten someone else’s day and serve as an inspiration.

There you have it. You see? Content creation shouldn’t be complicated. As long as you know what contents to create. So, I hope this will be helpful in guiding you for your next post.

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