3 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Take Advantage of Videos Today

3 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Take Advantage of Videos Today

One of the most appealing aspects of video is that it makes you feel as if you know the person. Remember that people do business with people, and videos allow you to show your
emotions and be present for your audience.

Video enables you to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Video contentdominates almost all online platforms because it allows your audience to connect with you more when they see your video content. I’m not suggesting that we ignore other campaign strategies. Articles are acceptable, as are blog posts. However, if we want our audience to
connect with us and trust us more, videos are a great tool that we should take advantage of.

Let’s take a look at 3 reasons to use social media videos for your business.

  1. People enjoy watching videos.

    People enjoy watching videos for a variety of reasons. People consume video content to be entertained or inspired. Some people enjoy video content as a form of relaxation or escape from their busy day. Some people watch videos as a method of obtaining information or learning something new.

    By making original videos that describe your products and services in a fun, entertaining way, you are allowing your viewers and clients to connect and knowmore about you.

  2. Videos are already being used by your competitors.

    You’re falling behind your competitors if you haven’t yet invested in video content for your business. Your competitors understand the value of using video content to engage with their audiences, and they’re probably already doing so on their website and social accounts.

  3. Videos drive results

    You can efficiently grow your business online by using videos. Let’s take a look at
    some numbers that demonstrate the impact videos have on your business:

    ●  Conversions increase by 86% when using video.
    ●  90% of people feel videos assist them in making shopping decisions.
    ●  Over 40% of worldwide customers bought things they discovered on YouTube

As you can see, videos can have a significant impact on your audience and the conversion of leads into sales for your business. If you are not yet using video content to promote your business, I am telling you, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

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